
Your Zodiac Guide to Wealthcare in 2021 (Pt.1) | Hugo

On February 12, 2021, we’ll be welcoming the year of the Ox. It’s literally Chinese “牛” Year (see what I did there?)! According to the Zodiac myth, the Ox was the second animal, after the sneaky Rat, to reach the Jade Emperor’s party. Despite having been tricked by the Rat, the Ox’s brute strength got him there second, so kudos to the Ox!

Since the Ox is known to be hardworking and methodical, you can expect that this will be a year when hard work will be rewarded. Alright, so let’s see what’s in the stars for everyone going into 2021!

The Rat

Rats are known for being quick-witted (it’s how he got to the party first!) but also resourceful and kind. Laser-focused on financial security, Rats are very meticulous about keeping budgets and recording their spending. This makes them reliable in matters related to finance and money management. 

FYI, Hugo is born in the Year of the Rat!

On the other hand, their methodical nature can mean that they are risk-averse and find it challenging to take on new portfolios.

Wealthcare for Rats: You are probably already doing a good job saving but where you can improve is on how you can make your money work for you! Safe investments like gold could be your investment of choice without having to take on too much risk.

The Ox

Those born in the Year of the Ox are the kind of people you’ll always want in your life; they are diligent, dependable and determined. 

Lucky for people born in the year of the Ox, 2021 is predicted to be a particularly auspicious year when it comes to money. You can expect to see some of your hard-fought achievements come to fruition. (M)oohoo!

That said, Oxen can be slow to make financial decisions, preferring to conduct significant research before committing to an investment. While that’s prudent, it can mean missed opportunities!

Wealthcare for Oxen: You might be better suited to a few long-term investments rather than multiple short-term endeavours. Conduct your investment deep-dives in one fell swoop and commit to sustained investments.

The Tiger

Tigers are quick on their feet (and paws), resourceful and kind. Very good traits in a best friend, but might not make for the ideal business partner.

Tigers, like all cats, have a curious nature and this attitude means that they are the first to embrace new opportunities and get the most benefit from them.

Of course, there’s an obvious downside to this. Rush too fast into something and you may find yourself in a boat without a paddle.

Wealthcare for Tigers: Perhaps you will find it helpful when the habit of saving money is taken out of your… paws. You should take advantage of automatic savings programs, like our Roundups that automatically saves money for you and sweeps it into gold every week.

The Rabbit

Rabbits are graceful creatures, known for being quiet, elegant, kind and responsible. They know a thing or two about abundance (if you get our drift) and that’s true about money as well. Adept at money management, their quick-witted and clever nature means that they are good at investing too.

For all their quiet elegance, Rabbits also have strong stubborn streaks that can lead them astray in spite of their natural affinity for managing money.

Wealthcare for Rabbits: For being headstrong, you may often have a hard time listening to and taking advice from others. If you prefer to look after your own wealthcare, robo-advisors and platforms that equip you with the tools and flexibility could work!

The Dragon

As a Dragon, you are confident, intelligent and enthusiastic.

These are all traits that suit Dragons well when building their careers and planning their futures.

As smart as Dragons are, however, they’re not known for being the most frugal. When it comes to our money personalities, they’re definitely the YOLO’ers of the bunch.

Wealthcare for Dragons: In order to practice good wealthcare habits, the Dragon should set up an automatic savings plan that transfers money from their main account regularly on their behalf so that they’re covered in the event of a rainy day (or, ya know, global pandemic).

The Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are known for being enigmatic, intelligent and wise.

This wisdom naturally carries over when it comes to dealing with money as well, helped partly by the fact that they are very efficient when it comes to making decisions.

However, Snakes are people pleasers who may end up overspending in order to achieve a specific goal. The biggest problem with being such a dedicated people pleaser is that it can make it hard to meet your savings goals if you have many people looking to you for help.

Wealthcare for Snakes: Putting your money into investments will not only help you grow your wealth, but also give you more room to help those around you. Sssssplendid!

Check Out Part 2!

All of us have our unique strengths and weaknesses. These traits can impact and affect the way we manage our wealth. At Hugo, we help people with wealthcare aka financial wellness. By building on our strengths and mitigating our shortfalls, we can all work towards good financial health without denying who we are or sacrificing the things we love.

Is your Zodiac animal not among these? Check it out on our Part 2 where we cover this year’s wealthcare for the Horse to the Pig!

Download the app to start your Wealthcare® journey!

Disclaimer: We’ve written these zodiac profiles just for fun and don’t mean to offend or for anyone to take them too seriously!

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